Taxes Toast

© 2019 MarcaRelli

If taxes are such a good thing then why don’t we celebrate April 15th the same way we celebrate, say, July 4th? Where are the fireworks? The marching bands? Where are the American flags proudly displayed on every front porch? Where’s the celebration?

April 15th is, after all, the day in which all Americans collectively pledge their financial support for the annual renewal of the American Experiment. Yet, for some reason, the day seems downcast. More like a day of solemn duty than celebration. And I think we all know why.

Now, from its beginning, the target audience of the povertystew food blog has been the barely middle class. Those of us too wealthy to be poor and too poor to be wealthy. You know, the ones the politicians always claim to support but never actually do.

If you’re a member of the barely middle-class and April 15th left you short of “bread” perhaps this recipe will, in some small way, help make you whole again. It is a povertystew spin on the classic open-faced Sliced Steak on Garlic Bread – and it’s really good.

Need This
4 slices of Texas Toast (or any thick-sliced bread)
1 pound of store-cooked deli roast beef (sliced thin)
1/4 pound of deli-sliced swiss cheese
2 ripe tomatoes – sliced thin
Butter (for frying)
Garlic powder
Ground black pepper

Do This
Heat your oven to 350 F.

Put 1 tablespoon of butter into a large frypan and melt it under medium heat.

When the butter is melted, shake a generous dusting of garlic powder over it then plop the Texas Toast slices into the pan.

Sizzle the bread in the garlic butter until just starting to brown – about a minute or so – then flip it over and brown the other side.

When the toasts are browned, remove them from the pan and set them onto a baking sheet.

Add some additional butter to the pan and put a medium heat back under it. Throw the roast beef slices into the pan, add a shake of salt and black pepper, then fry just until the pink starts to disappear. Don’t over cook it!

Now top each slice of bread with the roast beef slices first, followed by the tomato slices, then the swiss cheese on top.

Pop the pan into the oven and bake until the cheese has completely melted and just starting to brown a little.

Remove the pan from the oven. Put a diner cut on each and serve immediately. Slap some potato chips on the side and you’re livin large.

Makes 4 open-faced sands. My cost approx. $ 12.02 total – about $ 3.00 per sandwich.

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