I love Chinese take-out as much as the next guy.. though I do think the fortune cookies these days are a little hinky – I mean the fortunes, not the cookies. What happened? Did somebody go all PC on the fortune cookie maker or what?
Anyway, where is it written that the Chinese take-out joint is the only place you can get fried rice? You know it’s not all that difficult to make fried rice. You take some already-cooked rice and you fry it.
This recipe is our Italian-American spin on the Chinese classic. Ham and peas (always good together) are mixed with the fried rice along with chopped red pepper. The green peas, white rice, and red pepper represent the tricolor flag of Italy.
Ideally the ham would be Prosciutto – but who can afford that? Not me.. probably not you either. A quarter-pound hunk of deli ham will do just fine. Ask the deli guy (gal) to cut a real thick slice for you.*
Ding Hao!

Need This
1+1/4 cup of rice
1 – 10 ounce package of frozen peas – thawed
1 red pepper – chopped
1/4 pound of thick sliced ham – cut into cubes
2 garlic cloves – minced
Olive oil
Ground black pepper
Grated Parmesan and/or Romano cheese
4 large eggs (optional)
What to Do
FIRST, COOK THE RICE. Follow package instructions then let the rice cool to at least room temp, or better yet, refrigerate over night.
In a large frying pan (a Wok works best) pour in a couple of glugs of olive oil and put a medium/high heat under it.
When the oil begins to shimmer, toss in the cubed ham and fry it, stirring frequently, until it starts to brown (about 5 minutes). Next add the minced garlic and the chopped red pepper. Continue frying and stirring for another 3 minutes or so.
Fluff the ALREADY COOKED rice with a fork and feather it into to the pan. Continue frying and stirring and stirring and frying on medium/high heat – don’t be lazy, they don’t call it stir-fry for nothing – and make sure that the rice is getting coated with the hot oil.
Add the green peas in last along with salt and pepper to taste. Stir it all up good one more time and serve hot with the grated cheese on the side. If you want a little more heft, plop an over- easy cooked fried egg on each serving.
Serves 4. My Cost Approx. $ 4.50 total (sans eggs) – about $ 1.12 per serving.
*Since most people ask for very thinly sliced cold cuts don’t be surprised if you get a confused look (like that possum in the movie Fantastic Mr. Fox) from the deli clerk when you ask for a thick slice. GMN