Do you know who can really dance?… Bees. That’s right… bees. When bees find something good to eat they grab some snacks, fly back to the hive, and assemble everyone together for a big bee party. The bees that found the goodies get center stage. And then they dance. They dance the Waggle Dance which is sort of like hip hop meets square dancing. This cute little dance is not only fun to do, it also tells the audience bees where to find those snacks, which is important because after a party like that, those bees have the munchies big time.
I’ve heard it said that eating locally made honey takes the edge off seasonal allergies. I don’t know if that’s true but I do think it’s good to support your local food growers and mom & pop businesses whenever possible. Please do.
Also, unless things have changed since my kids were little, do not give honey to children under the age of 1.
Need This
1 cup of cornmeal
3/4 cup of boiling water
3/4 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons of butter (separated)
Honey (preferably made locally where you live)
Do This
Heat your oven to 400 F.
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter.
Pour the cornmeal and salt into a bowl and mix.
Add 1/2 cup of the boiling water and the melted butter to the cornmeal/salt mixture. Mix thoroughly until a wet mash evolves that is sticky enough to form into patties. If the mash seems too dry or grainy, add (a little at a time) the remaining boiled water. Continue stirring until a tacky mash forms.
Using a large (serving) tablespoon, pull out clumps of the cornmeal mash and drop them on a non-stick baking sheet. Using the back side of the spoon, press each drop gently to form patties (Dodgers) about 1/8 inch thick.
Bake in the oven for 20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and let cool.
When ready to serve, melt the remaining butter in a non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Add the baked corn dodgers to the pan and fry – about 2 minutes each side. Serve warm with a generous drizzle of honey* over top. Then do the Waggle Dance.
Makes 6 Dodgers. My cost approx. $1.86 total – about 30 cents per Dodger (including honey).
*Maple syrup is an excellent alternative. GMN