Cream Cheese & Jelly Sandwiches

© 2017 MarcaRelli

I used to eat these all the time when I was a kid.  I wonder why I stopped?  The next time you’re thinking about lunch, forget about the sushi and make up a couple of these instead. Throw a glass of milk behind it, or better yet, a bottle of Yoohoo and you can party like it’s 1969.

Cream cheese and jelly is excellent on bagels but if you (like me) prefer a lighter touch go with a good country white loaf or the always excellent Martin’s potato bread.  Oh – and use real cream cheese for this, not that Newfuggle cheese stuff.

Need This
– Cream cheese (block style, not whipped) – store brand is fine or Philadelphia

– Grape Jelly* – store brand is fine or Smucker’s
– Sturdy white bread or Martin’s potato bread

Do This
Let the cream cheese sit out at room temperature for about a half hour so that it softens a little and won’t rip the bread apart when you spread it on there.

Lightly toast two slices of bread.  Put a schmear of cream cheese down on one of the slices then top the cream cheese with the jelly.  Put the other slice of bread on top and press down on it lightly so that you smush the jelly into the cream cheese a little.

Put a diner cut on it (that’s a diagonal slice) and enjoy. 

One serving:  My Cost approx. 70 cents

*You can use any flavor jelly but grape is the traditional choice.  GMN

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