What’s cooler than taking a can opener to a can, opening it up, and pulling out a loaf of bread? It’s almost like a magic trick.
B&M (better known for their baked beans) has been selling bread in cans forrr… actually I don’t know how long – but surely a good long time now. It’s got a kick of molasses in it that goes great with a schmear of cream cheese. However, the more traditional pairing is brown bread with baked beans – something I avoided for a long time because of that disturbing little white globule of fat they used to put in cans of beans that always seemed to greet you as soon as you opened the can.
Fortunately, you can get globule-free cans of prepared beans these days, so if you want a quick and inexpensive chew that’s at least as American as Apple Pie,* get a can of B&M brown bread and a couple of cans of your favorite beans to slather over top and you’re good to go.
What You’ll Need
1 – 16 ounce can of B&M Brown Bread
2 – 15 ounce cans of baked beans
1 tablespoon of butter
Maple flavored syrup (optional)
What to Do
In a small pot or saucepan heat the 2 cans of beans on low heat until they just start to bubble.
Open both ends of the can of brown bread. Knead around the outside of the can a little to separate the bread from the inside of the can. If the bread doesn’t separate easily take a long thin knife and pare around between the bread and the rim of the can. Remove the loaf carefully.
Slice off half-inch rounds from the loaf. Put the tablespoon of butter into a frypan and set a medium heat under it. When the butter has melted drop the sliced brown bread rounds into the pan and fry about 1 minute on each side.
Remove the fried brown bread to serving dishes. Ladle the hot beans over top. Drizzle a little maple flavored syrup over top if desired. Serve hot.
Serves 4: My Cost: Approx. $ 4.60 total – about $ 1.15 per serving
*In fact, according to the B&M website, brown bread eaten with baked beans is a tradition as old as the pilgrims.