Remember Chef Boyardee Beefaroni? Spaghettios? Raviolis? The SPAM equivalent of Italian food. I loved the stuff as a kid growing up in the 1960s. I drew the line at the Lasagna though. My dad made a killer lasagna to which nothing could compare.
I haven’t had a can of Chef Boyardee beefaroni since I was like, 12 – and that was a LONG time ago. So I went to check it out at my local supermarket to see if the old gent was still around. He is! And has even added some non traditional Boyardee stuff like Mac and Cheese and Chicken Alfredo. I was surprised to see it all still there in our snobby vegan-eating-IPA-drinking-Non-GMO-certified-organic little world. I wondered if I would still like it after all these years.
So I purchased a can for (brace yourself) 79 cents. Ok that was a sale price. They usually retail for around a buck-forty-nine a can but YIKES! If ever there was a product tailor made for a nostalgic budget oriented cookbook like Povertystew this is definitely it. And at 1,200 milligrams of sodium per can, who could resist? But don’t tell your cardiologist.
This recipe is for a single serving so multiply it by the number of servings you need to make if you need to make more.
Need This
1 – 15 ounce can of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni
Grated Parmesan Cheese (optional)
1 fork (actually a spoon is better)
Do This
– Open the can.
– Dump the Beefaroni into a small sauce pot with a lid.
– Put a low heat under the pot.
– Cover and cook until the Beefaroni is hot and steamy.
– Shake in some grated parm – if using.
– Mix well.
– Spoon the hot Beefaroni back into the can it came out of. That’s Hobo Style baby!
– Stick a fork in it… Mmmm. Just like I remember.
My cost. $ 1.49 per serving. And little high blood pressure.