When I was in Mexico, a long time ago, the chef at the hotel where I was staying would put out large steaming pans of poached eggs in a spicy red sauce every morning for their breakfast buffet. The chef had his work cut out for him because those eggs would be gone in about ten minutes.
Quick, easy to make, and inexpensive, try these anytime for breakfast or later in the day over rice, polenta, spinach, or even salad greens if you’re on a diet.
You can try poaching the eggs right in the sauce like my Mexican chef did but I always found poaching to be a royal pain so I just fry them up (over easy) and throw the hot sauce over top… just as good.
Need This
4 large eggs
1 celery stalk – diced
1 small onion – diced
1 jalapeno pepper – diced
1– 28 ounce can of Don Pepino pizza sauce
1 pound of fresh spinach
Tortilla chips
Mexican style shredded cheese
4 garlic cloves – peeled and chopped
Cumin powder
Olive oil
Fresh Parsley
Do This
Pour a glug of olive oil into a non-stick fry pan and set a high heat under it. When the oil starts to shimmer add the diced celery, onion, and jalapeno pepper. Sauté, stirring frequently for about 2 minutes. Add the tomato sauce and reduce the heat to low. Bring the sauce to a gentle simmer. Add cumin powder to taste. Stir it all up nice.
In another large fry pan add a glug of olive oil and the chopped garlic. Put a medium heat under the pan and fry the garlic until it just starts to brown. Add the spinach to the pan and sauté for just a minute or two – just long enough to wilt the spinach a little and get it all coated with the garlic and oil.*
Cook the eggs however you want.
Place 16 tortilla chips on a microwave safe plate and mic them for about ninety seconds.
In shallow soup bowls, lay 4 tortilla chips down in each, then some spinach on top of that, then the egg, then the tomato sauce. Top with shredded cheese and a little fresh parsley. Serve hot.
Serves 4. My Cost Approx. $7.45 Total – about $1.86 per serving.
*Spinach is just about all water and it will wilt big time.. so don’t over cook it. GMN