These beautiful roasted red beets are enhanced with nothing more than a little butter and a sprinkle of course salt. Try to get fresh beets for this recipe if you can.* I scored two bunches for $ 1.99 which yielded enough for 4 servings.
Now the really great thing about fresh beets is that they are actually two vegetables for the price of one. You get the beet root, which is the subject of this recipe, but also the beet tops which resembles Swiss Chard and can be used in any recipe calling for leafy greens… such a deal!
To be honest, I was eager to put this beet recipe up just so that I could photograph its purple majesty.
Need This
2 bunches of red beets (tops on)
3 Tablespoons of butter
Course salt
Do This
Cut the red stems off of the beet root. Cut the leaves off at the stems. Discard the stems.
Remember that beets are a dirt fruit so you’ll want to scrub the root with a potato scrubber while rinsing under cold water. Triple wash the beet tops by soaking them in a large bowl filled with clean cold water. Discard the sandy water. Rinse and repeat two more times.
Blanch the beet tops in boiling salted water for 2 minutes then remove them to a plate lined with paper towels to cool and dry off a little. When the beet tops have cooled put them in a sealed container and refrigerate.**
Heat your oven to 400 degrees F.
Place the beet root bulbs in a Pyrex baking pan. Add about 1/4 inch of water to the pan. Cover the pan with a cover or tin foil. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour (will depend on the size of the bulbs) until the beets are easily pierced with a knife.
Remove the beets from the oven and let cool for 10 to 15 minutes. When the beets have cooled take a paper towel and rub off the skin from the beet roots (the skin should come off easily). Discard the skins.
Slice the beets up into half-moon slices. Return the sliced beets to the Pyrex baking pan. Put 3 tablespoon size pats of butter on top of the beets and stick them back into the oven – just for a minute or two until the butter has melted.
Remove the beets from the oven and mix well to distribute the butter. Sprinkle course salt over the top. Serve warm.
Serves 4. My Cost Approx. $ 2.40 – about 60 cents per serving.
*If you cannot get fresh beets you can use canned but obviously you would not bake them.
**I’ll show you what to do with those beet tops in my next post. GMN